Infertility treatment at LITA Clinic

Diagnosis and treatment of infertility

If pregnancy does not occur within a year, we recommend to undergo a complete diagnosis, laboratory tests and tests to identify the causes of miscarriage and non-pregnancy at our clinic. Modern equipment and experienced doctors will be able to quickly determine the diagnosis and choose an individual method of treatment for male, female or mixed infertility.

The main problem for men is whether they produce sufficiently high-quality, motile and morphologically normal sperm. The main examination for a man is a sperm. When sperm quality is low, FSH, LH, and testosterone levels are tested to provide information on the hormonal background of sperm formation.

The primary task in diagnosing a woman’s reproductive health is to determine whether the egg matures and whether it can be combined with semen in the fallopian tube. Ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries, vagina, depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle is required. Ultrasound allows determining the size and shape of the uterus, the presence of nodes (fibroids), the thickness and quality of the endometrium. It also provides information on ovarian status, follicular growth and the presence of cysts or endometriosis.

It is also important to determine the hormonal background of a woman. A blood test provides information about ovarian function, their ability to form mature eggs, and possible responses to stimulants. The levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) are tested. It may also be necessary to determine the concentration of antimuller hormone (AMH), which provides information about the ovarian reserve. A standard component of the hormone test is the determination of prolactin (PRL) and thyroid stimulating thyrotropic hormone (TSH).

Hysteroscopy and laparoscopy allow to directly study the abdomen, uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Laparoscopy is used in the diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis, as well as in assessing the patency of the fallopian tubes, post-inflammatory conditions and postoperative adhesions.

Genetic testing is performed after repeated involuntary miscarriages or repeated failed IVF cycles. With the help of state-of-the-art laboratory research, cellular immunity problems can also be identified and individualized.

Diagnosis: Infertility is not a sentence, let’s solve it together!

The journey to parenthood begins with the first step!

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  • Commitment to excellence
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  • Innovative technologies
  • High efficiency

Treating all forms of infertility reliably and efficientl

In both women and men, the reproductive system is a fairly complex mechanism, which is strongly influenced by external and internal factors. Therefore, today the problem of infertility remains urgent. Stress, depression, chronic fatigue, infections, poor ecology, chronic diseases and much more are all the factors having a negative effect on female and male reproductive function. In most cases, it is for these reasons that the couple cannot get pregnant for a long time.

It sometimes happens that the desired pregnancy does not occur for a long time, and the family asks questions, ‘what to do’, and ‘what is the reason’? There may be several reasons. If during the year a couple with regular sexual contact without contraception cannot conceive a child, they should consult a doctor. If you want to have children, then you cannot delay a visit to the gynecologist.

“LITA” reproductive medicine clinic provides qualified assistance in treatment of infertility. Experienced gynecologists work here to offer you an individual treatment program and bring you closer to the dream of a happy parenting.

Infertility Treatment – Guaranteed Result

According to statistics, approximately 40% of cases of infertility treatment are associated with pathologies in the male body and 40% in the female, and the remaining 20% are incompatibility of spouses and unclear reasons.

Unfortunately, in our country the number of couples who want but cannot have children is increasing every year. As a rule, women cannot get pregnant because of:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • gynecological diseases.

Fallopian tubes obstruction, tumors of the uterus, cysts, anatomical features of the structure of the uterus are another common reason why women are given a terrible diagnosis of infertility. Even if one of the organs involved in the process of conception of a child cannot fully function, this leads to the impossibility of a natural pregnancy and eventually results in infertility. Approximately 25-30% of unsuccessful attempts to become pregnant are associated with ovulation problems, hormonal imbalance, malfunctioning of the ovaries, constant stress, and severe physical exertion.

Male infertility is associated with diseases such as:

  • phlebeurysm (varicose veins) of testicles;
  • prostate gland;
  • impotence;
  • hormonal disruptions and other.

It happens that male sperm has too low fertility, and then the doctor makes a diagnosis of infertility. However, timely identification of the cause of the disease allows to successfully cure male infertility in 90% of cases. 

It is important to understand that infertility has always a reason. Therefore, you need to identify the source of the problem and begin to solve it as soon as possible. If after many attempts to conceive a child, pregnancy does not occur, do not despair. Accurate and timely diagnosis, and a comprehensive examination are the key to a successful future pregnancy. LITA Clinic offers modern methods for the desired pregnancy, which increases the chances of successful treatment of female and male infertility.

“LITA” Clinic: comprehensive treatment of infertility in Ukraine

One shall not think that infertility is a verdict, because in many cases it can be cured by selecting effective methods of treatment by an efficient doctor. Modern medical technologies do not stand still and today they are quite successfully coping with the problem of infertility. A couple who wants to have children needs some medical manipulations and procedures, and only a doctor can prescribe them. Proper treatment and the patient’s implementation of all recommendations, as a rule, end with the successful birth of a healthy baby.

The reproductive medicine clinic “LITA” will conduct a thorough diagnosis and identify the reasons why the couple cannot conceive a child. Infertility examination should be started for both partners, because treatment can be prescribed immediately for a couple. The doctor will prescribe an examination plan, collect the necessary tests. Only after a diagnostic examination and identifying the reasons for the impossibility of conceiving a child, the doctor will begin to treat infertility.

If all methods of treating infertility have not yielded positive results, then the only option to become parents is an IVF (in vitro fertilization). This method involves artificial insemination in the laboratory, followed by transfer of the embryo into the uterine cavity. Indications for this procedure for men and women may vary. In vitro fertilization is prescribed for women when she has a complete absence of fallopian tubes, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, uterine pathology, and immunological infertility. In men it happens because of sperm pathology, immunological infertility, and hereditary predisposition. These are not all the reasons, surely. It is also advisable to choose IVF in situations where a woman cannot bear a child, as well as the presence of genetic disorders, repeated missed pregnancies, chronic diseases in a couple, etc. 

LITA clinic accounts for many happy couples who managed to become parents and are raising their long-awaited baby. The high professionalism of gynecologists and reproductologists and the best technical equipment of the clinic allow you to successfully cope with female and male infertility.

Benefits of Infertility Treatment at the LITA Clinic

Numerous attempts to conceive a child exhaust not only a woman, but also a man. Some couples despair and think that all attempts, ways and methods have already been tried and they will never become parents. However, one shall not think negatively, since faith in the best and assistance of a competent gynecologist will dispel your fears and bring you closer to your cherished dream – to hear your baby’s laughter.

Clinic of Reproductive Medicine “LITA” means:

  • best modern latest equipment;
  • doctors with vast, successful work experience;
  • proven and reliable methods of treating infertility;
  • first class service;
  • an individual approach to each patient.

The use of extremely safe high-performance technologies, high-quality equipment and medical products help to provide medical services at a high professional level. All diagnostic procedures are carried out using innovative equipment in a short time, so as not to delay the start of treatment. The staff is highly qualified doctors who work according to international standards and are always up to date with the latest innovations in the field of reproductology. They will offer effective treatment options for infertility and will please you with an excellent result.

To begin effective treatment of infertility in Ukraine, we are waiting for you at the LITA Clinic for Reproductive Medicine. You have an opportunity to get a free initial consultation with a reproductologist and discuss a further plan for infertility treatment at the LITA Clinic. You can make an appointment at the clinic at a convenient time.

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