Delayed motherhood: what does it mean - Lita

Delayed motherhood: what does it mean?

5 November 2021

Over the past few years, the “delayed motherhood” program has become more and more popular in Ukraine. This program is also called oocyte vitrification. As a rule, such a modern method of oocyte freezing is relevant for those women who are going to have surgery on the pelvic organs or those who are preparing for the treatment of cancer.

However, in our time, many women take part in the program of “delayed motherhood” not only for medical, but also for social reasons. For example, if a young woman does not plan to become a mother in the next few years, then she can “postpone” this important event for a longer period until the most convenient case for her. Most often, women, having made such a decision, want to first build a career, and only then create a full-fledged family. Fortunately, thanks to the “deferred motherhood” program, these women have this opportunity.

About ovarian reserve

Every woman who is in no hurry to become a mother should know that her ovarian reserve (oocyte supply) only decreases with age and it is impossible to prevent this trend. The number of eggs and their quality is determined in a girl even during intrauterine development. After 30 years, most of the eggs die, so the ovarian reserve decreases naturally. In addition, the risks of miscarriage and chromosomal abnormalities in embryos increase.

The decrease in the supply of eggs can be influenced not only by the woman’s age, but also by other factors, namely:

  • hormonal disorders in the body;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • heredity;
  • bad habits;
  • chemotherapy;
  • surgical interventions with resection of part or all of the ovary.⠀

To determine the ovarian reserve of the ovaries, the doctor must prescribe appropriate tests (blood test for hormones, ultrasound of the pelvic organs).

Vitrification: the essence of the procedure

Thanks to egg freezing, women have a chance to have a baby at any age. What is the main difference between vitrification and traditional egg freezing? The difference is that the liquid inside the oocytes does not turn into crystals, thereby not disturbing the living tissue, but immediately goes into a “dormant” state. The advantage of the vitrification method is that it guarantees the complete integrity of the oocytes after thawing for a very long time.

Preserving your own biomaterial is a great insurance policy for the future. By taking advantage of the Delayed Motherhood program, any woman can save her young, healthy eggs so that they can be used later when she is ready to become a mother.

An important fact is that the survival rate of oocytes after vitrification is 95%. That is why the program “deferred motherhood” in our country is considered very effective. The shelf life of oocytes is unlimited.